by Cathy Jack Coupland | Feb 18, 2022 | Blog, Resources
Though not embroidery, the magnificently woven medieval tapestries making up the set known as The Unicorn Tapestries, provide a wonderful vehicle for this richly imaginative work of fiction. No one knows for whom the Tapestries were made or what they mean or...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Feb 11, 2022 | Blog, Resources
Imagine finding an intricately embroidered sleeve while exploring a relative’s deceased estate. Inara Erickson unearths this long-forgotten treasure, knowing that she has found something quite special and unique. With no knowledge of embroidery, Inara looks for...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Feb 4, 2022 | Blog, Resources
Publishers have suggested that the cozy Embroidery Murder series by Amanda Lee, has the potential to keep readers itching and stitching for more, and they’re probably correct in that assumption. The Quick and the Thread is the first book published in 2010 in...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Feb 2, 2022 | Blog, Resources
This book offers insights into the working processes, creative choices, and range of techniques used by renowned embroiderer and costume designer, Michele Carragher. Inspiration is drawn from history and rich in symbolism, but the backbone of this book has to be...
by Cathy Jack Coupland | Feb 1, 2022 | Blog
Mexican artisans have been creating colourful textiles for thousands upon thousands of years – often identifying the maker’s ethnic group or village. Mexican Otomi or the more simplified Tenangos embroidery, is a vibrant celebration of riotous colour,...
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